Friday, October 8, 2010

What's All the Buzz About?

Our weeks are positively flying by!  It seems like only a few days have passed, and it's already time for co-op again.  But we don't mind because we absolutly love our co-op, and this week was no exception.

In Millie's class, the letter of the week was M, and the kids' focus was on music. They sang Veggie Tales silly songs and made tambourines and xylophones. (Maybe next time I'll sneak into Millie's class and get a few pictures in there.)

In Hannah's missions class, we continued with the story of Mary Slessor, a missionary in Nigeria.  We learned that she got her nickname, Run Ma Run, because she would get secret messages from the tribal chief's sister and run to help whoever was in need.  It is truly inspiring to hear how surrendered this woman was to doing the will of God.  She knew no fear and trusted her Lord implicitly.

After Mrs. Pauline finished telling the story, the kids made masks like the ones the natives wore in Nigeria.

After co-op, we did our usual picnic lunch and playdate at a local park.  We love this time to just relax, be outdoors, and hang out with friends!

After our park time, we went on a field trip to visit a beekeeper.  This was kind of a last-minute decision on my part, and I am so glad we decided to go!  It was a great field trip!

This is Mike, the beekeeper.  I'm pretty sure next to God, Mike knows more about bees than anyone.  He probably talked for 30 minutes about bees and managed to hold the kids' attention the whole time.
He even told the story about Samson reaching into the lion's carcass and pulling out honey.
He had us go into screened tents so we wouldn't get stung, and he pulled out the hives so the kids could see the bees at work.
In this picture, Mike found the queen bee for only the second time.  Apparently they like to burrow down under the other bees, so they're very difficult to spot.
Mike chose not to wear any protective clothing.  This was his helper, who was much smarter more cautious.  ;)
And the kids (and adults!) all got to have a sample of fresh honey before we left.
All in all, a wonderful day!


Danaly said...

Oh man,seeing these pics made me so bummed we missed the bee field trip! Thankfully Mike has agreed to have us over to show Lucy later this month. He's awesome! Sorry we missed you at coop last week. Jenna had strep but we are all in the mend now. Have a fabulous week!!! - Danaly

Starfish Momma said...

Love it! Well, I finally created a blog of my own. I sort of had to for this on-line tech masters class I am taking. My blog is definitely going to be a work in progress. I was thinking, since we are only a week behind you guys in our studies, can I just copy all of your blog posts and transfer them to mine? Just kidding ;) I love reading your posts and looking at your pictures. You've inspired me :)

Carrie said...

Awwww ... I love the pic of Millie and Eli - so precious! :)

Mark N Yvette said...

What a great field trip!!! Those were some wonderful pictures ;)

Monica said...

What a great day! Love the missionary stories. I can't wait to read more of them in MFW ECC next year. Are you going to do ECC next year?

Shannon said...

I don't know how you are getting all these posts done, but you are doing a great job! And it is great to know what that mask they kids made was all about. After co-op they are only focused on getting to the park and I rarely know what the kids have learned in their classes. Sierra looks a little impatient and disgruntled in that last pic waiting for her turn to get honey. ;) Hmmmm... and now I see Pauline started a bog and I am headed over there to be nosey... I mean check it out. ;)