
Thursday, December 25, 2008


Today I celebrated the most unique Christmas in all of my 34 years. Oh, forget "unique." It was odd. Bizarre. Downright weird. And I have to confess: I didn't like it one little bit.

Here's a rundown of our CHRISTMAS:

Children woke up eager to see what Santa had left for them.

Had breakfast together.
Realized Greg planned to take down the fireplace today since he had the day off.
Immediately took down our Christmas tree (which was inconveniently located right next to the fireplace) and undecorated the mantle.
Stuffed all the Christmas decorations in their boxes and put them in the attic.
Tore down the bricks. Well, started to, anyway. Turns out there's a lot more to this job than meets the eye!

Made steak, baked potatoes, and broccoli for Christmas dinner.
Attempted to defend myself when Hannah said, "This isn't exactly Christmas food." I said, "Oh, yeah? And what exactly is 'Christmas food?'" (I was sure that she was picturing a juicy turkey, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, etc.) "You know," she replied. "Things like candy canes, cookies, brownies . . ." That got a good laugh. Even if our Christmas hadn't been so bizarre, we still wouldn't have had what she considered "Christmas food."
Sadly realized we had let Christmas go by without even reading the Christmas Story from Luke. Good thing we read it at MeeMaw and Kimpaw's last night, but still . . .

Next year will definitely be more traditional!

1 comment:

  1. Love the acrostic idea! So glad to see your new posts! ;)
