
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Giving from the Heart

We just got back from Houston for our Christmas celebration with MeeMaw and Kimpaw. Had I remembered to take my camera with me, this post would most certainly be littered with pictures of my kids, faces full of joy and hands full of their newest treasures. But since that's not an option, I thought I'd share with you one of my favorite treasures of the evening. It's a poem MeeMaw wrote for all of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She gave everyone a copy, and Stephanie's youngest daughter, Grace, read it aloud for us.

Here are the words:

Life's Treasure

Oh, You—so very dear to me
I see your pain and agony
In life's trials as you walk,
Heavy; yet, I plead—Do not balk!

These storms and thorns I would withdraw
But then you'd miss the joy and awe
That lost strength holds to be the key
If you would deign to bend your knee.

For in that place that you reveal
The weakness that you deeply feel
Our Lord is there to comfort you
And wipe your tears and see you through.

Men err to think life is just for pleasure.
Heaven's value becomes each man's treasure.
The temporary storms will pass away
And your salvation assured will stay.

So look closely at your burdens' choice
And listen to the still small voice
That shines a special, loving light
On salvation's love—truth to delight!

Oh yes, it may take some time
But that is the path to the sublime
And glorious truth that God is real
And gives you truth no one can steal.

So you will see clearly then
Each trial is a step to heaven
If you will but gather humility
To bow your will and bend your knee.

As each trial comes and goes,
Remember me in my repose.
I await your finished life
To share your joys, now free from strife.

What a sight that we can share
In heaven's glory now aware.
For this you must salvation see
So please be sure to bend your knee.

Shirley E. P. Bonvillain
Christmas, 2008

Great is our inheritance; great is her reward! We love you, MeeMaw!

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