
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Only My Millie ...

Greg helped the girls clean out their closet on Mother's Day.  While I was sewing with one, he would take the other one back and have them try on clothes; then we switched.  Millie found a camo shirt I made Hannah for a VBS dress-up day a couple of years ago and became enamored with it.

This is how it was intended to be worn ...

But this is how it looked best according to Millie's taste ...

So what do you think?  Is she bound for New York or Paris in 15 years???


  1. I love it! My second daughter is the same way. :)

  2. Ahhh... a girl with her OWN style. Both ways look great!

  3. I love Millie's choice the best! Definitely very "trés, trés chic! ;-P

  4. It's great that she can take her sister's clothes and make it into something that will "fit" her personality. Cute!

  5. Maybe Millie's mother should be a designer...just think of the multiple outfits that could be made if a skirt & top were interchangeable. Brilliant:)

  6. So cute! I was wondering how to subscribe to your blog. I would love to follow it. I will be starting Adv with my 7yr old girl in august.

  7. I found you on MFW blogroll. Looking for help with badges and MFW-K. Any organizational tips, calendar schedules, etc you could pass on would be helpful. Thanks, Crystal
    crystalbugno at yahoo dot com

  8. Missing your posts! What are you up to now-a-days?
