
Monday, April 4, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays: 27–57

I'm sure I've only noticed a small drop in an ocean of gifts He has poured into my life this week.  Even so, my list continues to grow, and I am thankful.

0027. For being pushed beyond what I think my body can handle.

0028. For the friend who gently pushes.

0029. For the same friend who in some ways anchors me, reminding me that a heart full of wisdom is far better than a head full of knowledge.

0030. For the other friend who I can so fully trust. Who I know prays without ceasing. Whose daily walk points me to Him without fail. "Less of me, more of Him."

0031. For his peace for those times when I abide in the Spirit.

0032. For his grace for those times when my flesh overcomes.

0033. For the honesty of one little girl after a poor decision was made.

0034. For the opportunity to train the heart of the other, who tried to conceal it with a lie.

0035.  For purchasing a book on my wish list at a price that seemed too good to be true!

0036.  For authors like Hillyer who can take a geography book and turn it into a story book of far-away lands, with just the right touch of science and history added to the mix.

0037.  And for this gem, also on my wish list, found on the bookshelf at MeeMaw and Kimpaw's.

0038.  For their generosity in giving it to me ... even before I asked.  :)

0039.  For a daughter who asked if she could "add one" to my list.

0040.  For the fact that the one she wanted to add was the love between our family.

0041.  For little girls' hearts being so receptive that they put His words into action.

0042.  For the desk getting cleaned off and the bills getting paid.  :)

0043.  For his provision in faithfully stretching our meager income.  Truly, the numbers don't make sense.  He is our Jehovah-Jireh.

0044.  For hearing Greg share a new thought with me from a book he read on his  flight last week:  Our "messy house" is okay because we have a "pretty neat home."

0045.  For waking up to find that he had cleaned the kitchen after I went to bed.

0046. For three extra bodies for a few hours one evening, and the laughter and joy and memories they added to our home.

0047.  For the warmer days and the new life that is springing up everywhere I look.

0048.  For children who love to play outside.

0049.  For a husband who took the initiative to get our project going while my thoughts were consumed with next year's school.

0050.  For a place right here in our small town for the girls to share some afternoon fun with their AWANA friends.

0051.  For learning that there is an appropriate time to hit your sister.  ;)

0052.  For rejoicing in that knowledge!

0053.  That "Coach Daddy" got to go with us and teach the girls a new game.

0054.  That we have been blessed with good health and sharp minds and bodies that move, although we rarely give it a moment's thought.

0055.  For this child, full of new ideas and boundless energy, who has been entrusted to my care.

0056.  And for this one, tender and affectionate and full of compassion.

0057.  For creative minds and never knowing what they'll come up with next, but always being amazed at whatever it is.

How about you?  What gifts are you most thankful for this week?


  1. I look forward to this post every Monday :) I think #55 and #56 are pretty awesome too :)

  2. Great list, Jen! I hope you know that I love you! I'm so thankful for your friendship!

  3. One of the things I am thankful for is that I met you through your blog. Very beautiful post!

  4. Wow - what a great list! Let me know what you think of the geography book - I've heard great things about it. Also, do you do Square Foot Gardening? I'm doing about 7 of them this year. Thanks for the Twin Sister CD idea - got it from the library.
