
Monday, March 28, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays: 1–26

Today I'm embarking on a new journey.  Destination:  Gratitude.  I know this is a lifelong journey and I'll never fully "arrive," but I'm confident that my Guide will show me my world in a completely new way as we travel together.  All I'm bringing with me is a heart that longs to praise Him, a mind that wants to be made new, and a body designed to see, hear, taste, smell, touch, feel, and reflect on—to truly experience—whatever He desires to show me along the way.

So here are my first steps toward 1000 Gifts.  May the journey continue long after Mile Marker 1000 is reached!

0001 - Good friends and long car rides and the uplifting conversation that always results when the two come together.

0002 - Beautiful weather every. single. day. during Spring Break.

0003 - Doctors who catch mistakes that keep Kimpaws on earth a little longer so sweet memories can be made.

0004 - The excitement in my girls' eyes at the Boardwalk in Kemah.

0005 - Seeing my adventurous girl in her element as she darted from one big ride to another and my reserved girl slowly building her confidence as she gradually worked her way up.

0006 - Little girls getting to fish at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

0007 - Seeing that patience pays off.

0008 - Catching a catfish with a cane pole.

0009 - Spring in full bloom!

0010- Freshly squeezed OJ with breakfast.

0011 - A little girl's first stitches on a sewing machine.

0012 - My "hurry up and get it done" girl slowing down enough to make it neat.

0013 - The joy that comes from seeing the fruit of your labor.  (Every single stitch was hers!)

0014 - A mom who taught me to sew so I could be there when it got to be too much for little hands to work with.

0015 - A mom who is still needed for all those things I don't know how to do!

0016 - Safe flights there.

0017 - Laughing until your sides ache.

0018 - Hearing that, after 16 years, he still misses me when we're not together.

0019 - My church family.

0020 - The God I worship with them.

0021 - Being made aware of gaps in my prayer life.

0022 - Hearing a new thought:  "It's not death we fear, but what it might take to get there."

0023 - Safe flights home.

0024 - The smile on his face when he walked through the door.

0025 - Claps of joy when sweet Millie realized that what she was doing was spelling words!

0026 - Home.  Agreeing with Dorothy that there's no place like it.  And we got to be here all. day. long.  Ahhhhh.

To read about the multitude of blessings others experienced in their lives this week, visit A Holy Experience.


  1. What a sweet post! ...and I ordered that book last week. Haven't had a chance to read it yet, but it looks good :)

  2. Love the picture of Millie with her fish, and what a GREAT job Hannah did on her quilt!! Wow! I am so impressed!!!! :)

  3. What a wonderful beginning to your gift list! Your family is beautiful. Your daughter's quilt is amazing. I am in awe of her dedication and patience! I totally agree... there is NO place like home! :)

  4. Beautiful! Tell Hannah that her quilt is awesome and Millie that her fish is huge. Have a great week!

  5. I LOVE this post!! I'm grateful to have a daughter who shares her thoughts so openly. You are so appreciated. Know that I also learn from you:)

  6. ok so jealous.... shorts?!!!! It's 36 here today -ugh. It was 68 last week... my flowers and I are sooo confused on what season it is! it's not difficult for me to be confused though. Ok - I'm sending Arianna down to hang out with the girls and sew a quilt with grandma. It's beautiful. Love the fishing time - precious pictures.... did mom fish?

  7. I’m here from Anne’s.

    And every list I go to I find a favorite – like the coconut filled one in the chocolate box – and my favorite from yours today is 0022 - Hearing a new thought: "It's not death we fear, but what it might take to get there." (because it made me laugh – reminds me of “it’s not the fall that’ll kill you – it’s the landing) {smile}

    And I remember #1 on my list – I wasn’t as brave as you to make mine #0001 – I’m a great starter – not so good a finisher – but I’m still goin’ :) You will love the counting – it makes Monday different.

    God Bless you and keep you and your family
