
Friday, January 28, 2011

Show & Tell: Adventures Week 19

Another week down! Today we wrapped up Week 19 of Adventures.

In Bible this week, we continued to look at Jesus as the Lamb of God.  We looked at several passages to help us better understand that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away our sin, but my favorite was Isaiah 53:7-8, which gives such vivid detail of the crucifixion of Christ.  When Hannah finished reading the passage, I asked her if she could tell me what it was describing.  Without skipping a beat, she said, "When Jesus died on the cross."  I asked her if she knew when the book of Isaiah was written, and she was shocked to learn that all of those details that described his suffering and death so perfectly were written over 700 years before he was even born!  We talked a little about the accuracy of Scripture and the way that God knows things that no one else could ever know, and every time He tells us something in His Word, we can be sure that it is true.

We were supposed to make a handprint lamb for one of our Bible activities, but Hannah had just made one over the Christmas break when she saw the idea on a Smile of a Child show called Sarah's Stories, so we counted that one as her lamb and put a big ol' check mark in that box!  :)

In history this week, we learned about pioneers who traveled by flatboat down the Ohio River.  The girls briefly heard about Johnny Appleseed when he was mentioned in one of the chapters we read in American Pioneers and Patriots, and Hannah read more about him in Joan Holub's Who Was Johnny Appleseed? during her book basket time.

Since we were learning about Johnny Appleseed, it only made sense to munch on apple slices for our snack one day.

We were even blessed with the presence of Princess Camille!
We learned what pioneer schools were like and made a very abridged version of the New England Primer.

We're both curious to know what letter this was and when it disappeared from our language!  It looks similar to an f, but it must have made a sound similar to /s/ because it replaced the letter s in words such as sinned, slay, and sight.  Okay, enough of my nerdiness!  :)
We learned that Ohio was next in line to acquire its statehood.

And in science, we discussed how scientists classify animals into five groups: mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, and amphibians.  I really wanted Hannah to spend a little more time learning about these groups, so I made a crossword puzzle that goes along with the assigned pages from The Usborne Internet-Linked First Encyclopedia of Science.  (I posted it online, so if you'd like to use it, feel free to download both the crossword puzzle and the answer key.)

We also played a matching game where we had to match various animals with the category they would be classified in.  For example, if I turned over a card with "mouse" on it, I had to make a match by turning over a card with "mammal" on it. 

Hannah played one game with me and one game with Camille.  She won both times.  Stinker!  (Maybe I'm a sore loser, but I recommend copying these cards onto card stock before playing the game just in case you have a 7-year-old who might be tempted to look through the paper and read what's on the cards.  Just sayin'.)

As for the three R's, things are still progressing well.  I did add some handwriting exercises into her day.  I haven't ever really been satisfied with her handwriting, but when Greg started making comments about it, I knew it must be bad!  I tend to gravitate toward perfectionism.  Him, not so much.  ;)  My friend Shannon gave me a free teacher's manual for A Reason for Handwriting, so I ordered her the Transition book thinking that if her print improves enough, I can begin to teach her cursive, which she really, really, really wants to learn.  Hopefully that will give her some incentive to slow down and write neatly.

It's hard to believe that next week we'll be on Week 20!  Stop back by and join us for our next adventure, when we laissez les bon tomps rouler!


  1. Oh hello! It's a small blogging world! :) I'm glad you stumbled onto my blog because now I have found yours. :) I love blogs!

  2. Hello! I'm catching up on blogging and haven't said "hi" for awhile! Your little cotton lamb is so sweet! It looks like you are having lots of fun with Adventures. We learn so much each year with My Father's World! Have a great week!

  3. You are back!!! Ok, so you were never missing. I was the one that kept missing you! For some reason my blog updater didn't ever tell me you had a new post. Boo. You kept me motivated last year and I so looked forward to your posts, b/c I knew I was right behind you and would do the same fun stuff.

    Glad to have found you again!!

  4. Dropping by to say HI! I miss reading your humorous blog posts! Are you planning to do ECC next year? Are you going to a HS Convention?

  5. Hi Jennifer!

    We have lots of little lambies hanging on our sunporch door :) ...and the OH state study was bittersweet for us.

    I know you know about the Link Up! (starts Friday the 18th) But I've made it to #81...only 48 more to go!!!

    Happy Homeschooling!
