
Saturday, September 25, 2010

One Lovely Blog Award

A Texas-sized thank-you to Monica from Discover Their Gifts and Jenna from Sugar, Spice, and Monkey Tails for awarding me the One Lovely Blog Award.

Here are the rules for accepting the award:
  1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog with the name of the person who granted the award and his or her blog link.
  2. Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.
  3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they've been chosen.
  4. ***See the note at the end of this post!***
Soooooo . . . without further ado, here are 15 people whose blogs I have enjoyed keeping up with lately!  Some of them are real-life friends, others are "new friends" I've made in the blogosphere, and the rest may not even know that I've been getting a glimpse into their lives!  Hopefully you'll be entertained and enlightened as you read their posts.  And who knows?!  Maybe you'll even walk away with a new friend or two!

1.  Cajunrose at Homeschool Happenings
2.  Helen at Adventures at Rowan Court Academy
3.  Heather at Goggles & Grace
4.  Randie at A Moment in My Father's World
5. Angela at My Classical Homeschool
6. Lissa at Blessings
7. Ashley at My Magillah
8.  Tonia at The Sunny Patch
9.  Amy at Hope is the Word
10. Candace at Growing with the Greniers
11.  Little Sparrow Academy
12. Heather at This Side Up
13. Kimberly at Quiet My Soul
14.  Laura at Mine Ebenezer
15.  Rachel at Rachel's Reflections

***If you don't have time to pass this blog award on (and, really, who has extra time they're just looking to fill?!), please know that a horrible virus will not infect your computer, a beloved family member will not get sick with a terrible disease, and bad luck will not follow you for thirteen days.  You can just accept the award and know that someone out there in bloggy-land enjoys your posts and appreciates the time you take to journal your life and share it with the rest of us!


  1. Awwww! I feel special!! Thank you :) I can't wait to peek at your other blogs that you read.

  2. Beaglemamma~

    What can I say? Except-- I'm speechless... almost! Thank you *so much* for sweet, sweet words and for the encouragement that such kindness brings! You have made my day :)

    ~heather @ goggles & grace

  3. Thank you so very much!! Wow!! What a precious blessing and a lovely end to a lovely Son-day!! ;D

  4. How sweet! Thanks so much for thinking of me!

  5. I am honored. I love reading your blog, too. Thanks for the award. I only hope I can figure out how to post it on my blog. (ha)

  6. Wow, my first blog award! I am truly honored and humbled! I will do my best to "pay it forward" soon. I really appreciate the encouragement and the mention! Blessings!

  7. Thank you for thinking of me and my new blog! I enjoy reading your blog, it was fun to receive your award! I can't wait to see the other lovely blogs and pay it forward!

  8. You are so sweet to include me! Thank you SO much! I'm going to come up with my 15 tomorrow probably because there really are so many out there that inspire me and it might encourage them to know that they're not just blogging to outer space. lol Thanks again!!!


  9. Thank you so much! That really made my day--what an encouragement! :)
