
Friday, September 3, 2010

Back to . . . well, you know

Today was our first day of co-op for the new school year.  We participate in two co-ops.  One meets the first Friday of the month, and the other meets the second and fourth Fridays of the month.  They're very different in flavor, but we love them both!  The one we went to today is our "little" co-op.  There are three families who are "regulars," but since we added 4-H last year, we have picked up about 6 new families, many of which also belong to the "big" co-op.

I didn't think to take any pictures of it, but we started off with our first 4-H meeting of the year.  Then we went into the sanctuary to get a preview of the script and music for our end-of-the-year play.  Sounds like it's going to be another good one!

Here's Mrs. Susan telling the kids and moms about the play.
Millie and her Barbie are taking it all in!
Then we went into the fellowship hall for our group learning time.  This is a time for the kids to share what they're learning at home and, most importantly, to develop public speaking skills.  Since today was the first meeting of the year and some families wait until after Labor Day to start school, the kids just brought something for show and tell.

First Hannah showed her friends her crochet hooks and yarn.  She passed around a bag of crocheted jewelry she had made so they could each take a friendship bracelet, necklace, or ring.
Then she read them her homemade books.
Millie showed her friends her Barbie, which is currently her favorite toy.
After co-op, a few of us grabbed some lunch and headed to the park for a picnic and play time.

Next Friday is the first day of "big" co-op.  There are about 40 families who participate in that one.  It has much more of a "school" feel to it as the kids are in classrooms with teachers, and they change classes while we are there.  We love both of them, though, and are so thankful for the way they enrich our homeschool!


  1. Looks like a great co-op!
    Thanks for linking up at Home Grown Families Friday Blog Hop! We're following you now!

  2. Just found your blog. My 4 yo dd is starting MFW K (pacing it every other day for two school years) and I LOVE all your entries on each unit! Thank you for a terrific resource for a newbie like me!

  3. Hi Jennifer! I saw your comment on my blog and wanted to take a peek at your own! What a sweet family of girls you have. Your oldest could fit right in here with her pretty red hair! My daughter love ballet like Millie, too! It looks like you are having a great year. I enjoy seeing the pictures of everything you are doing. Keep in touch!
