
Friday, April 10, 2009

All filled up with a good kind of pride!

I'm from Joe Rives,
Couldn't be prouder!
If you can't hear me,
I'll shout a little louder!


(Wow...there's a blast from high school past!)

So why am I so proud of my dad? Because tonight he stepped out of his comfort zone (actually, waaaaay out of his comfort zone) and participated in his church's Easter play.

The play consisted of each disciple's response to Jesus' claim that one of them would betray Him. They each had a turn remembering events with Him, professing their love for Him, and asking the question, "Is it I, Lord? Is it I?"

Here's Dad as John the Beloved:

This is the first time I've ever seen my dad with a beard! I loved it!!! However, he and my mom both hate it, so his plan is to shave it off after tomorrow night's performance. And just so you know, my dad does not usually wear eyeliner! This was for performance night only! (Don't worry, Dad! I got your back!)

The opening and closing pose was Leonardo Da Vinci's famous painting The Last Supper.

At the end of the play, the audience learned the way each disciple died. Greg and I had just covered this in one of our Sunday School lessons with the youth, but it still gave me chills to think of the way these men suffered for the Lord they had come to know and love, and the way they died for the Truth they were trying to share with the world.

Thank you for doing this, Dad! I know you don't enjoy speaking in front of an audience, but we were so blessed by this performance. Words can't express how thankful I am to see how God is working in your life! I was 32 years old the first time I heard you pray, and now I hear it every time I go to your house. And trust me, my ears never tire of it! I am so proud of the way you and Mom have ministered to our troops through Operation Stronghold. You have both chosen to make God the center of your life, and many others are being blessed because of it!

Honored to call you my parents,

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