
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"I Love Daddy" Day

Please forgive all the details in this post. I felt the need to record as much as I could so I'd have something to go back and read on those days when I'm tempted to put this child up for auction on ebay!

After we got back from taking Millie to Mother's Day Out this morning, Hannah decided to go outside and play for a while. She came back inside a few minutes later with a pencil box full of flowers she had picked from our yard. She decided that since we never made the cookies we promised Daddy for Valentine's Day, she would give him these flowers instead. I told her that was very sweet and I was sure Daddy would love them.

A few minutes later she said she wanted to get everything ready so Daddy could have a tea party when he came home from work. When I passed through the kitchen a few minutes later, she had set up her little table, complete with a bath towel tablecloth and seating for four. She had taken the play dishes from her kitchen and made place settings for each of us, then taken three of her little pitchers and filled them with milk, orange juice, and water.

"Do you think Daddy will like it?" she asked.

"I think Daddy will love it," I told her.

She then proceeded to get out the bread, peanut butter, and jelly and make four PB&J sandwiches. She decided we could have powdered donuts for dessert.

"You're really going all out," I told her.

"I'm not finished yet," she said.

She went on to make a name tag for each of us and tape them to our chairs. Then she made a special card and a paper hat for Daddy since he was our guest of honor.

When that task was completed, she went into the toy room and said, "I want to get everything cleaned up so it will look nice when Daddy gets home." When I went in there, I found that she had picked up all of the toys. Then she made her bed, Millie's bed, and even my bed! After the beds were made, she asked if she could clean the bathroom mirror, which I agreed to. (Awfully generous of me, I know.) After that, she cleaned the bathroom countertop. She gave an honest effort at vacuuming but found that it was a little tougher than she had bargained for, so she asked if I would vacuum and sweep while she mopped and dusted. Finally, she decided that everything was just the way she wanted it. We left to pick up Millie; and when we got back, she patiently waited for Daddy to get home.

When he walked through the door, Millie and I joined Hannah in yelling, "SURPRISE!" just as we had been instructed to do. Then Hannah sat Daddy down at his special seat of honor and told him how she had planned this special party for him to let him know how much she loved him. How sweet is that?!

Here are a few pictures. I wish I would have taken more!

Daddy's special homemade hat. Notice the leaves she attached for feathers?

Giving Daddy his box of flowers.

Pouring Daddy's cup of orange juice.

Now do you see why I recorded all the details? I know it probably sounds like a dream; it does to me, too! But for today, at least, it's our reality. And I'm simply enjoying it.

1 comment:

  1. How sweet is THAT?!?! Girls really are SOOOOO different than boys! ;)

    (Although my Eli has said some gosh-awfully sweet things to me!)
