
Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Today the kids and I went to a Halloween party at Yvette's house and had a lot of fun! There were around 10 to 15 kids there, and each mom was responsible for coming up with one activity for the kids to do. By the time the day was over, they had decorated fall cookies with icing and sprinkles, bobbed for apples, made a Halloween candy necklace, and carved jack-o-lanterns while listening to a story about the way God cleans out our insides so His light can shine in us. Fun day!

Tonight, however, is the biggie. As a rule, we don't take our kids trick-or-treating. I wish I could say it's because I don't want to flirt with anything that is in any way connected to evil, but the truth is, we don't take our kids trick-or-treating because I end up feeling judged by other Christians for doing it! (Honestly, is it that bad to dress them up as ballerinas or angels and let someone put candy in their buckets?) So this year, I'm breaking out of my mold, refusing to give in to Christian peer pressure, allowing my convictions to come from the Holy Spirit rather than other people . . . yeah, yeah, yeah . . . long story short, we're going trick-or-treating!

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