
Monday, July 28, 2008

3...2...1...And we're off!

Hard to believe, but today was Hannah's first day of kindergarten! She has been asking every day for about the last three weeks if she can start kindergarten "today," and I've told her, "Not yet, Hannah. Mommy needs a summer vacation!" But now that Greg is back at work and Hannah is eager to begin, it just seems like a great time to start!

I spent the majority of last week getting everything organized—last minute trips to Wal-Mart to buy school supplies and craft supplies, preparing file folders for each unit, organizing the school area, etc. This morning I felt like it all paid off! I knew Hannah was excited, but I didn't know if the reality of kindergarten would live up to her expectations. She loved it!!! She kept saying, "Kindergarten is the best thing ever! I want to do this every day!" Music to my ears! I think I have been looking forward to it just as much as Hannah has, but hearing her excitement this morning elevated me to the next level! I'm glad I made a calendar for the year so we can pace ourselves. Otherwise, I think we're both Type A enough that we would hit it 90 to nothing and burn out in a couple of months!

The main curriculum we're using this year is My Father's World, and I can't emphasize enough how much I love it! We're also doing the first grade level of Hooked on Phonics since we completed the kindergarten level last year, and we're using the Singapore Earlybird Math books.
The first two weeks of My Father's World cover creation, then we spend the rest of the year studying different things in creation such as the sun and moon, water, leaves, rocks, people, animals and their habitats, life cycles, etc. Today we covered Day 1 of creation, which was when God made light and separated the light from the darkness. Here's a picture of the first page of her creation book, which she will complete on Day 7.

Here's a picture of the Oreo she ate after lunch to remind her that God separated light from dark. (She told me she was making a "1" with her fingers to let everyone know He did it on the first day.)

I'll try to update and post pictures often so you can share in her kindergarten adventure!

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